Tuesday, 21 July 2015


Every time there is an election, I'm reminded of the graffiti "Don't Vote, it only encourages them!"

It's also often said "Parties don't win elections, parties lose them".

In queues at polling booths every ten minutes we hear something like: "I'm just here to cross my name off - they are all *&^%@#$#s."

It’s official – Australians are fed up

We often express our frustration by fixating on the negatives of one politician or another, but I'm not sure even THAT helps. Behind every good laugh is a feeling we are being treated with contempt. It's easy to be distracted from the REAL problem which is that we have a totally dud constitution.

We are governed by a constitution written when few people had the right to vote. It's a constitution cobbled together by people who desperately wanted to abolish the taxes they paid to do business across state borders, or by others who, to our ongoing shame, were desperate to keep Australia White.

Start of Railway from WA to SA - 1915
It was cobbled together at a time when people could only travel any distance by horse, or ship, or camel. Before phones existed. At a time when - despite the pitifully small population - the cost of State governments actually made sense.

Dreams of freedom or democracy
couldn't have been further from the minds of our
current constitution's authors.

If lies become truths simply through repetition, one of the biggest lies has to be that we live in a real democracy.

When it is said we get the government we deserve, the unspoken assumption is that we choose our government - in Australia that is simply not true. There are several reasons for this, but our current Constitution is the biggest one.

The government has issued a discussion paper for improving the constitution and dealing with voter dissatisfaction. The dissatisfaction has been acknowledged, but the intent is the same; to simply fiddle with a totally defective constitution.

Aren't governments supposed to help CREATE jobs,
not just blame people for economic mismanagement?

Our constitution has changed over the years in ways that have made it more useless than it already was - so much so that it is like a 120 year old hammer that has had two new heads and four new handles and doesn't work at all anymore.

The 1901 Constitution was NOT originally designed to let
Federal Governments pork-barrel State Elections
We will never get better government until we have a whole new constitution that provides for a truly democratic process, spells out the contract between people and government, protects the rights of the people, and ensures people have a real voice.

Is a new constitution even possible? Yes. Support for it won't develop overnight, but with enough support it is possible.

Maybe we could start by looking at what we do want, and getting stuck a little less on what we don’t want. Like choices between policies that aren't all the same.


Here are just a few things I do want

·         I want to know who I am voting for when I vote.

·         I want to take away the power of the Prime Minister to embroil us in military action without any real checks and balances.

·         I want Politicians to stop talking about voters as if we are scum.

·         I want all Australians to have more influence over what happens anywhere in Australia – not just their own state. I might live in Victoria, but the Barrier Reef is as much mine as any other Australian’s.

·         I want whistleblowers protected by a law that can’t be changed too easily.

·         I want politicians to be more accountable. A LOT more accountable.

·         I want politicians to not be able to vote against a tax they have outstanding.

·         I want people to get hip replacements in a reasonable amount of time – not have to wait 5 years [during which they receive benefits instead of working and paying taxes]

·         I want to NOT subsidise religious instruction.

·         I want companies that trade in Australia – using Australia’s infrastructure – to pay taxes in Australia

Stuff like that.    A HEAP of stuff like that.

A lot of this would change if we had a decent constitution. 

What would YOU like, that would make Australia a better democracy?


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